Monday, 17 December 2012


We chose to have our main girl narrative character wearing casual clothing. We decided to have her wearing green, green has both an up side and down side. It is a mutual colour, which has connotations of nature, hope and growth. This colour represents the character well, as she is getting followed around in her natural surroundings by the band member, she is hoping that they will stop following and leave her alone. Green can also represent jealously, which is a key part in our narrative when her boyfriend (bass guitarist) is flirting with another girl right in front of her.

Here you can clearly see the girls boyfriend flirting with another girl. We purposely chose an actress who has blonde hair, this supports the male gaze theory is suggesting that men prefer blonde women. We backed up this idea by having the blonde girl wearing black and red, these are very sexy and seductive colours. Red has connotations of love and lust, which relates well back to our narrative part of our music video when the boy is flirting with another girl.

We decided to have all the band members wearing dark clothing, this is to suggest that they are not an important part in this music video. After researching into different indie bands we noticed that they wear smart clothing and majority of the time wear dark and dull colours. This is suggesting to the audience that they are in it purely for the music and not in it for the fame and lifestyle of a celebrity. All of the band members are wearing some element of black in their costume, black has connotations of mystery. This relates well back to the genre of indie music, as all indie music is different and 'individual' therefore there is an element of mystery when listening to their music.

By Amy Thrush

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