Sunday 30 September 2012

The Effects Model (The Hypodermic Model)

The consumption of media texts has an effect on the audience, the effect is normally negative. Due to an audience being passive to influences they therefor may imitate what they see in the text. The power is in the message of the text, and in music videos it may lead to violent behaviour, an example of this being Marilyn Manson, whose music and products were accused of being linked to the Columbine shootings.

Keeping this is mind we would have to consider the image which our band and the music video put across. For example whether it promotes violent behavior, perhaps if a fight is used. Or if a political view is portrayed, whether it will influence viewers negatively. In our video we haven't planned on using any content which could be portrayed negatively.

Marilyn Mason on the Columbine Shootings:

A study by Bandura tested young boys and girls by showing them a video of a male or female model behaving aggressively towards a toy Bobo Doll. A second selection of children was not shown this video at all.

Later, the children entered the experimental room individually with a Bobo Doll. 88% of those who had seen video acted aggressively toward the doll, and were also more verbally aggressive. This was substantially higher than those who had not seen the video, who played nicely with the doll.

This therefor concludes that people do imitate violent content which they are exposed to.  

By Rebecca Gatfield

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