Monday 1 October 2012

The Uses and Gratifications Model

It is unclear still whether there is a link between the media and undesirable behaviour, there for a new model was created.

The Uses and Gratifications model is the opposite of the effects model as the audience uses the text and aren’t used by it. The audience use the text for their own gratifications or pleasure. The power is in the audience and not the producers, therefor, unlike the effects model the audience is free to ignore it. 

Audiences therefor use media texts to gratify needs for:

  • Diversion
  • Escapism
  • Information
  • Pleasure 
  • Comparing relationships
  • Sexual Stimulation

The audience is in control of consumption of the media helps people with issues such as:

  • Learning
  • Emotional Satisfaction
  • Relaxation
  • Help with issue of personal and social identity. 
  • Help with issues of aggression. 

Therefor if violent behaviour has influenced the audience, it is the audience’s choice to do so.

Rebecca Gatfield

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