Monday 15 October 2012

Music Video Pitch and Feedback


By Amy Thrush and Rebecca Gatfield

An aspect which we need to consider whilst making our video is whether or not filming with instruments outside would affect the flow of the video itself, as the song itself has a fairly repetitive nature it may make having too much performance tedious for the viewer. An idea which we could consider is removing the performance from the narrative structure; this would however remove the abstract elements we were aiming to add. 
We would also have to consider whether the lighting we would wish to use would work, therefore we will have to do a check to see whether it will work on not before the days which we want to film. For example whether the lighting would distort the band images, or affect the camera and make it not focus. A way in which we have chosen to combat this is perhaps using fairy-lights for the flashing lights. With this it would be a matter of whether the lights would flash in time with music. We wanted to use fairy lights regardless, as it would give us the 'home made' look which we were aiming for.
Lastly, concerns were raised over whether the band would stray away from its genre too much. However, since the indie genre has a large range of styles within it, we would be able to make it look like an indie-rock band with a few changes. 

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