Saturday 20 October 2012

Filming Dates

Thursday 25th October

Filming – 1pm – 4pm (We need to film during these hours as it has to be busy in the scenes outside, and this is one of the busiest hours during the day. This allows the video to look more realistic. Also, during this time the natural lighting will stay relatively similar throughout.)
Equipment: Camera, Tripod
Props: Guitar, Bass Guitar, Backberry Mobile Phone, Costa cup, Mirror
People needed: Olivia, Liam, Oliver, Oliver, Rhiannon

Sunday 4th November

Filming – 10am – 11 am (Brief Scene within Costa can only be filmed on a Sunday due to request from the manager. This is because it’s the cafés least busy hours and therefore won’t intrude on those within it.)
Equipment: Camera, Tripod
Props: Costa Cup
People needed: Olivia

Monday 5th November

Filming – 3pm – 5pm (Performance scenes in the drama studio. Hours used due to times we booked out before the half-term.)
Equiptment: Camera, Tripod
Props: Guitar, Bass Guitar, Microphone, Fairy Lights
People Needed: Liam, Oliver, Oliver

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