Monday 29 October 2012


Filming – 25th of October

Those present: Rebecca Gatfield, Amy Thrush
                       Olivia Shillabeer, Liam Carroll, Oliver, Oliver, Rhiannon Gibbons.

During filming we came to the decision that our original idea would have taken more time than what we had, while we had present those who are acting in the video. To combat this we changed the aspect where the band performs the song while following our main character performed by Olivia. This allowed us to finish most of the narrative factors in one day, and therefore wouldn’t have any trouble if the weather changed on certain days of filming and allowing the muted colour scheme to stay the same. 

We were unsure what the weather would be like when we filmed, but it was the exact weather we wanted it to be. We wanted the weather to be dull and cloudy throughout the video as it meets the colour scheme we were aiming for, this therefore matches the black, grey and pale blues which we would use in the performance aspects. 

As we decided against using the instruments in the narrative we had fewer props than first planned. However, we used a number of props which we thought would make the main female character seem high maintenance. In this we therefore used large-brand coffee as the drink choice, and the mobile phone which is used is a Blackberry which is typically expensive and used among those in high power jobs. We also used a mirror in the narrative which implies that she is proud and self-important. The combination of the relatively small props may therefore allow the audience to understand the character’s taste and attitude. 

Throughout the narrative we wanted to stick to our storyboard as much as possible, be as we were denied the ability to use the large store Sainsbury’s, we had to locate certain shots elsewhere. The settings used were; Borough Fields (shopping square), an alleyway, Noremarsh Park, the hallway and a kitchen. 

By Rebecca Gatfield

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