Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Practice Performance

  • We used some of the practice performance in our music video as we wanted to make a contrast between the professional performance aspects and behind the scenes, as seen in music videos such as 'Pumped up Kicks' by Foster the People.
  • We used this time to practice the panning shots which we had planned in our storyboard. However, when we watched the clips back we decided not to use them in the final run as we found that the camera wasn't smooth enough for it to look professional.  We also thought that the shots would be far too long to match the pacing which we had planned for the rest of the music video.
  • This time also allowed the band to go through the song together for the first time, so there wasn't any faults when we came to do the final performance.
  • We were able to decide which camera angles and movements worked well, and which didn't. For example in some shots we were able to see the boards in the drama studio, to combat this we moved the set into the centre of the room, which meant that the board weren't in shot.
  • We didn't use the lighting in the drama studio during the practice run which we would have wanted to use for the actual performance. Initially we wanted the whole setting to be dark, but without the lighting  the camera didn't pick up the performance well enough to capture all the shots we wanted.

By Rebecca Gatfield and Amy Thrush

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